lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2024

Use of tarot as a story builder.

 I started to read Italo Calvino's book "The Castle Of Crossed Destinies". A book in which the famous Italian author constructs short stories based on spreads made with the tarot model designed for the Visconti family, the result or the intention was to present stories that were not vehemently subject to the conductive and fixed line of the narrative cliché.   

The result at the moment does not surprise me, since at the same time that he explains the story, he explains the tarot reading, which becomes a distraction rather than an element that attracts you even more to the story. I think he should have placed the tarot reading process at the bottom of the page and simply presented the story in a concrete way. 

However, the experiment is interesting and allows to demonstrate how the use of tarot reading can generate certain curious narrative experiences, which apart from being a creative element endowed with historical symbols, it seems to me that it does not have a divination or destiny reading value, no, not at all. Just simple cardboard made in China. 

In relation to the design of role-playing games, I use the Art Oracles: Creative & Life Inspiration from Great Artists as a starting point to inspire the creation of an adventure, through the suggestions or concepts the interests of the enemy, his abilities, desires and location were glimpsed, everything was added to make clear the presence of an apparently insignificant being, but that through certain twists of fate, was acquiring the methods to exterminate small groups of adventurers and thus be able to acquire power. 

The process was natural to me and did not take too much time, in general I only used it as the beginning, the seed, because from the first ideas a lot more were emerging and it is a matter of logic to join the scattered elements to build something functional and interesting that is worth publishing.

I suggest the use of these tools, especially focused on narrative elements to build the personal agenda of the npc or bosses, so that they look more striking and full of internal conflicts. I do not think it is advisable that every element of the story or the character's background be controlled by the reading of the cards.

So one of the best things to do is to take this tool as a simple bag full of words with concepts about certain emotional aspects of life. In fact, now that I've said it that way, it would be interesting to do just that, fill a bag with words and that's it.

martes, 10 de septiembre de 2024

So i actually made the strange gazibo story - DMG Born out of Longing- on sale now!


The transition to take an adventure to be published has always filled me with insecurities. To begin with, it takes me a long time to decide what kind of thing I want to publish, a story, a module focused on riddles, traps or magic equipment.  I don't even know why I think about it so much if in the end I've only published adventures, this part should be eliminated from my creative process about RPG related material, but in the end the doubt always comes back, because maybe what I would like to do is just publish stories, but it's easier to be read with a DnD adventure, at least in my totally individual experience. So in the end I focus on writing adventures, for those little moments where I can show off my narrative drive. And hey, that's okay. 

Finally it is a hobby whose main objective is to provide me with a small fund for minor emergency and especially to be able to share my ideas with whoever wants to know about them in the RPG field.

Since the work was published I wanted to continue doing more adventures immediately, but I was losing the momentum, as always happens to me, it is not that ideas do not come to me, in fact I think that is a problem that I do not suffer, what is dwindling in my person is the mood, events happen in life and the energies become scattered, the pen falls to the ground and I do not feel great desire to pick it up off the floor. 

Weeks turn into months and over time, I feel the desire to post something again. What helps me the most is to return to play, something that is less and less common, we all know that it is complicated and that the periods of having a constant table, rarely go beyond a good year or couple of years. Those tables are always shaken by the claims of life.  The fact is that playing at a table helps a lot, it renews you, it makes you remember how much you love the hobby.  

Time helps, therapy, new friendships, traveling, finding a partner and in general the change takes you out of a certain state of mind that sometimes leaves you petrified as if you have just been seen by medusa. However, that petrifying effect ends and then you want to go back to creating absurd, weird and funny things for a world of people you don't know. 

And that is how it should be, create, always create because my inner bird wants to sing and be heard. We are all the same in that aspect, I feel, well at least we who enjoy imagining worlds sitting face to face at a table. That's how it is for us, creators of realities.